What is the Minimum for Liability Insurance in Alberta?

This video features Steve Grover, a Personal Injury attorney based in Alberta, Canada.

Calgary Car Accident Lawyer Explains

Video Transcript:

Tom Mustin: 

How much liability insurance should I have on my car in Alberta? We ask lawyer Steve Grover in this Ask the Lawyers Quick Question.

Steve Grover: 

My recommendation is get as much as you can, that you can afford. In province of Alberta, we have a minimum limit of $200,000 for bodily injury, say you cause an accident and you get sued for someone that's injured by your negligence, but I would recommend getting a million, two million, a lot of insurance companies in Alberta sell an umbrella policy where you can go up to 5 million dollars. In Alberta, our judgment centers is big as in the US, but the more insurance you can afford the better you are. If you can afford a million dollars, I recommend getting the million dollars, 'cause you're just trying to cover yourself on a personal liability aspect, if you're unfortunate causing an accident.

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