How to Stop Wrongful Deaths from Police Brutality

This video features Shannon L. Kennedy, a Civil Rights attorney based in New Mexico.

New Mexico Civil Rights Attorney

Video Transcript:

Rob Rosenthal: 

What needs to happen to put an end to wrongful deaths in the hands of police officers? We're asking New Mexico lawyer Shannon Kennedy for an Ask the Lawyers Quick Question.

Shannon Kennedy: 

Well, the first thing is accountability, what needs to happen is if the community needs to say There is no one who is above the law and police officers who murder people need to be criminally prosecuted and held accountable. Secondly, communities need to hold space for the pain and agony of the families of those who've lost their loved ones due to police violence. There has to be a reckoning and a grieving so that those lives are properly celebrated, that the people who are victims of violence of police shootings are not villainized themselves that their life is respected and the life is respected. The other thing that needs to be done is that, is that community needs to have body-worn cameras, so that there is evidence and people need to use our cell phones and to speak out and to produce evidence to prosecutors and to civil rights attorneys so that justice can be done on behalf of the survivors and the loved ones of the decedent of police violence.

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