How Much is My Injury Case Worth?

This video features Wayne D. Parsons, a Medical Malpractice attorney based in Hawaii.

Honolulu, Hawaiʻi Personal Injury Lawyer

Video Transcript:

Rob Rosenthal: 

What if you wanna know how much your personal injury case is worth? Well, let's ask Hawaii lawyer Wayne Parsons for an Ask the Lawyers Quick Question.

Wayne Parsons: 

In reality, the value of a case is what a jury... Or a judge, if you have a judge trial. But if you have a jury trial, what the jury will award to you for your injuries and losses. And we don't know who the jury is gonna be, and that's gonna be two years from now. And that has a lot to do with the state of the economy, the public mood, and lots of other things. So, it's very difficult to say exactly what a case is worth. We do know what cases settle for, and we do know what happens when cases go to trial, but you've gotta be very careful about making those assessments.

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