How Long Do Personal Injury Lawsuits Take?

This video features Steve Grover, a Personal Injury attorney based in Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Injury Lawyer Explains

Video Transcript:

Tom Mustin: 

How long does a personal injury lawsuit take to conclude in Alberta?

Steve Grover: 

In reality, most cases take two-plus years or longer at our office. 'Cause within the two-year period, we wanna know if the client is fully recovered from his or her injuries, so that we can make a good valuation in the case rather than... That they don't get a low-ball settlement. Our job is to put our client in the same position he or she would have been before the accident. So in reality, it's always a two to three-year process in our office. It could go longer. Sometimes litigation has a life of its own. But we try and push the cases as quickly as possible after two years to settle it, 'cause at least we know where our clients are in recovery, and if they're gonna go back to work full-time or not full-time, so they can get a fair and reasonable settlement and then get the money that they can move on with their lives, and then we can close their file knowing that we did a good job.

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