How Can I Get Out of Debt?

This video features David Shuster, a Bankruptcy attorney based in Texas.

Dallas—Fort Worth Bankruptcy Attorney Explains Your Options

Video Transcript:

Tom Mustin: 

Who can help me get out of debt?

David Shuster: 

Well, there's a lot of... You'll get a lot of things in the mail, you'll notice. Some people get phone calls, so things start to go awry with your financial situation. I would always say an attorney in your state would be the best option. I get calls from clients that say that they hired a law firm. I look up the law firm, it's some sort of law... It's a company that says, "We're not a law firm, but we have attorneys here and we're in California." So really, an attorney in your state is the best answer to that question. The debt settlement companies, you never know what you're going to get with those. You're going to end up paying sometimes almost as much as your total debt. Some of those companies will offer you a high interest loan to pay off debt and then you're paying them all kinds of just weird things that look good on the outside, but talk to a local attorney in your state. That's the best option if you're running into financial trouble.

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