Holiday Credit Card Debt: Can Bankruptcy Help

This video features David Shuster, a Bankruptcy attorney based in Texas.

Texas Debt Relief Lawyer Explains

Video Transcript

Molly Hendrickson: 

Can bankruptcy help with my credit card debt after the holidays?

David Shuster: 

Bankruptcy can definitely help with credit card debt after the holidays, a lot of times there's an increase... People don't wanna file bankruptcy beforehand, maybe they're still utilizing the credit, maybe they're laid off and they have to keep that credit current just to meet their necessities after the lay off, and so getting through the holidays is one thing, it's a challenge and of itself, right? But, yeah, afterwards, if you have debt, if you thought you over-spent or God forbid if you were a victim of a lay-off for some reason, they tend to pick up around December and January. Yeah, talk to a bankruptcy attorney and get a fresh start within 90 days, and so talk to someone sooner rather than later, even if you're still current with the debt, you wanna get some legal advice right away, so you just kind of rest easy and put a timeline, so you know where you're gonna be at in three to six months.

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