Georgia Lawyer: Why I Practice Medical Malpractice Law

This video features Kathy McArthur, a Medical Malpractice attorney based in Georgia.

Featuring Macon, GA Attorney Kathy McArthur

Video Transcript:

Rob Rosenthal: 

Why did long time Georgia lawyer, Kathy McArthur, become an attorney in the first place? We asked her for this Ask The Lawyers Quick Question.

Kathy McArthur: 

Obviously, helping people and making the world a better place, important parts of that question, but where it's a malpractice issue, it's changing medicine for the better for everyone, changing how doctors, nurses, medical professionals do things, because they're required by our cases to recognize that the standard of care requires them to follow the safety rules. That's something that I find to be very, very rewarding when I see that they now use ultrasound in every central line placement or that they require a doctor to be present if an allergy shot is given, such that if there's an anaphylactic reaction the patient doesn't suffocate, as the client that we represented did. So, in malpractice, that's the benefit, is you change medicine for the better for everybody.

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