Can You Go to Jail for a DUI?

This video features Mark L. Deniz Esq., a Criminal Law attorney based in California.

San Diego Lawyer Explains What to Expect

Video Transcript: 

Tom Mustin: 

Is jail time mandatory if you have a DUI with priors or multiple DUIs under California's three strikes law?

Mark Deniz: 

That's a good question. I will tell you, in California, once someone has a prior, so if they have a prior DUI that's within 10 years, the prosecution will charge a second-time DUI and then subsequently if there's more than one in 10 years, they will charge two and three DUI priors, all of which comes with mandatory jail time. If you leave it unattended and just think you're going to walk in and not get jail time, that's not going to happen. You have to be proactive on these cases and address your situation before you walk into court to avoid that mandatory jail time. Whether it's in the form of therapy, rehab, rehabilitation, and demonstrating accountability, there's a lot of different ways on these cases, and that's why you need to find effective representation.

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