Are Truck Drivers Drug Tested After an Accident?

This video features Christy Childers, a Personal Injury attorney based in Georgia.

Macon Truck Accident Lawyer Explains

Video Transcript:

Molly Hendrickson:

Do drivers get drug tested after a truck accident? 

Christy Childers:

Drivers should be tested for drugs and alcohol after a truck accident but they not they are not always tested. In fact, employers are not required technically to always test these drivers. If there is disabling damage to the vehicle if a citation is issued or if there's a death, then those are the factors that go into whether or not the federal rules require the employer to test but why not do it? It's just you're putting the safe driver out there on the road and you want to make sure they're safe so it's important that employers do do that after a post crash test is to make sure that their drivers are not driving drunk and driving on drugs.

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