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What Should I Do After a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver?

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What Should I Do After a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver?

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It’s a fact that you’ll find plenty of drivers out there without car insurance. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, one in eight drivers is uninsured! Scary thought given that they can get into accidents and face serious issues of the medical and/or financial kind. If you happen to be on the receiving end of catastrophes like that, and you’re forced to deal with uninsured drivers, there are right and wrong ways to handle it.

What You Should Do and Not Do When Handling an Accident With an Uninsured Driver

You ask for the other driver’s insurance but then find out that he/she has none. What do you do?

(Note that before you do any of these, your health is the most important consideration. Seek medical care first and handle the rest later!)

Call the police – It doesn’t make you evil. What it does is ensure that the police report knows all the facts and assures you that your expenses will be covered. When the opposing driver is insured, it’s a simple swap of information. Don’t call the police, and you might be left to pick up the pieces yourself.

You still need to swap information – You’ll want the contact info as well as vehicle details. Even obtain contact info from other witnesses. This ensures your claims process goes smoothly in the event the opposing driver has no insurance.

Gather as much detail as possible – Vehicle details aren’t just comprised of make and model. You need the time and location of the accident as well as the name and badge number of the officer on the scene. Your insurance company will need to literally know everything.

Take pictures of the scene – Pictures speak a thousand words, they always say. That’s still the case with insurance companies. They want to see the damage, the license plates, traffic signs, and anything else pertinent to the claim. The more information, the faster the claim gets processed.

But above all else, do NOT accept money – The other driver might offer you some hefty cash. While it’s understandable, here’s a key tip: don’t accept it. The fact is you don’t know just how much expense will be on your plate to cover any of your damages and/or medical costs. Accepting that cash can count against you in a claim, and you don’t want to cut yourself short at all. Hold off on any acceptance of cash and wait to see what your insurance company provides for you. It’s in your best interest.

You Then Contact Your Insurance Company Immediately

You then say “I’ve been hit by an uninsured driver.” This lets your company know just what kind of process to follow through with. Make sure you have your insurance card out—after all, you’ll need your policy number. Also provide the date, time and location of the accident. Since you already took those pictures, too, you’re then a step ahead of the game. The representative on the phone will indeed ask for a detailed report. Pictures help when it comes to details. The other driver’s contact information would be prudent as well. Plus while on the phone, mention the police department involved as well as the report number. This will help the insurance company corroborate your claim.

Make Sure You Take the Right Steps After an Accident

That’s especially the case if the accident is particularly lethal or dangerous. Oftentimes you won’t want to think about the particulars or the valid pieces of information you’ll need. You’re often hurt, maybe a bit shocked. In the long run, though, you’ll want to keep these steps in mind.

Consider purchasing uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, as this can be extremely beneficial in this type of accident. Also, you’ll also want to speak with an experienced car accident attorney to learn more about your situation. Many personal injury attorneys offer free consultations, so you risk nothing by scheduling a meeting and asking if you have any options for recovering compensation.


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