Can’t Afford Health Insurance After a Car Accident?

This video features Pius Joseph, a Personal Injury attorney based in California.

Pius Joseph | 888-981-0035 | Free Consult

Finding yourself injured due to a car crash without health insurance can be scary. However, you are not without help. Personal injury attorneys are primed and ready to help you build your case and get the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses. If you can’t afford health insurance after a car accident, an attorney can help you explore solutions.

This video features Pius Joseph, an injury attorney with the Law Offices of Pius Joseph in Pasadena, California. He has over 30 years of experience helping injured victims throughout California.

To learn more, contact the attorney directly by calling 888-981-0035 or by submitting a contact form on this page.

The consultation is free and confidential, and you owe no out-of-pocket attorney fees.

Waiting to seek medical care after an injury can negatively affect your case.

It is essential that you seek medical care immediately after sustaining an injury. If you wait to seek treatment, an insurance company may use that fact to try to convince the jury that your injuries were not bad enough to warrant compensation. Insurance companies will generally do whatever they can to downplay the severity of your case in order to throw doubt on your situation in the eyes of the jury. Therefore it is essential you speak only the truth about the wreck and your injuries and avoid discussing your legal case with your medical team, as this can sometimes end up in your medical records.

Information to gather after a car wreck.

If you are able immediately after the car accident, try to gather evidence at the scene. If you are unable to due to your injuries, try to send a family member or friend on your behalf. Evidence that should be gathered includes the other drivers’ information (i.e. name, phone number, drivers’ license), pictures and videos from the scene of both cars and the surroundings, and witness contact information in case a third-party can bear testimony to what happened. It’s important to be quick about preserving this evidence and get to the scene as soon as possible after the wreck.

Waiting to collect this information can offer the other party the opportunity to sway the tone of law enforcement’s report regarding the event, which could hurt your case.

If you don’t have health insurance, contact an attorney.

If you are injured in a car accident and you don’t have health insurance, contact an attorney as soon as possible. You do not need to try to handle the situation on your own. You should not have to suffer the cost of your own medical care for an injury sustained to you by someone else. A good attorney will understand your situation, help you build your case, and take whatever legal action is necessary to recoup your losses. If you think you can’t afford an attorney, there’s good news. Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means you don’t pay any out-of-pocket costs. In fact, you don’t pay them at all unless they win your case.

To learn more, contact Pius Joseph directly by calling 888-981-0035 or by submitting a contact form on this page. The consultation is free and confidential, and you owe no out-of-pocket attorney fees.

Video Transcript:

Rob Rosenthal:
What if you’re injured in a car crash and you can’t afford treatment? Is there anything you can do? We asked California attorney Pius Joseph in this Quick Question.

Pius Joseph:
Well, if someone is involved in a crash and they can’t afford to get their treatment, it is important that they need to call a lawyer immediately. Because if you are in a significant enough crash and if you do not treat timely, the insurance companies, their first line of defenses, or you’re not hurt because you didn’t seek treatment. Because you delayed treatment so much, they will try to make that an argument before a jury, and jurors who have not experienced similar situations may just bite into that. So, to prevent insurance companies taking unfair advantage of you, it is so important that you need to seek legal help to go in the right direction, the right track. If you have health insurance, it's great. Use it. If you do not have health insurance, get help.

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