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Nebraska Car Accidents

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Nebraska Car Accidents

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Local Attorneys Explain Claims, Insurance and Negligence Laws

Five to six million car accidents occur every year across the United States. Still, despite these numbers, most people rarely consider the possibility that they might be in a wreck. In fact, the most you think about potential car crashes may be when you are buying car insurance or renewing your policy. Even then, many people only consider their state’s minimum insurance requirements. So, when an accident does happen, most people do not have a thorough understanding of state laws, insurance policies or what procedures to follow. Thus, you may find yourself struggling to learn your rights in time to enforce them. Fortunately, you do not have to become an expert on injury claims to successfully file one – you can simply ask the lawyers.

Below, local Nebraska attorneys offer information about car insurance, state laws and what to do after a crash. If you have questions or need assistance with a claim today, then contact us to set up a free consultation with a lawyer in your area.

How Do I File a Car Accident Claim in Nebraska?

After a crash, you can usually file an insurance claim, either with the at-fault driver’s provider or your own, to recover the cost of your accident-related expenses. However, the insurance industry is profit-based, and filing a claim can be a minefield of loopholes, misinformation and unforeseen challenges. Therefore, to protect your right to compensation, you should take certain steps after a crash.

Immediately after a car accident, if you are able, you should:

  • Call the police and an ambulance. Your first concern should be getting medical help for anyone who needs it. Additionally, a police report can be powerful evidence for your injury claim.
  • Get information from the other driver and witnesses. Write down the names and contact information plus the other driver’s insurance information and license number.
  • Take pictures. Use your phone to take pictures of the scene, your car, any other vehicles and even your injuries.

Then, as soon as you can, you should also:

  • Notify your insurer. Most insurance policies require the holder to notify the provider of any accidents as soon as practically possible. However, DO NOT say anything besides reporting the basic facts of the accident as you know them. If the insurance agent asks if you are making an injury claim and you are unsure whether you suffered harm, tell them you are going to the doctor or hospital and will answer that question at a later time. Some injuries may take hours or days to appear, especially when a person’s adrenaline is running high after a wreck. Answering further questions before calling an attorney may negatively affect your claim.
  • Call a lawyer. You can get legal advice for any claim, free of charge, in a complimentary attorney consultation. A lawyer can tell you whether you can handle the claim on your own or may offer you representation. An attorney can also either lay out the steps you should follow or guide you throughout your claim.
  • Keep a record of any medical treatments and injuries. If you did not receive medical treatment at the scene, then you should visit the doctor as soon as you can to get a medical opinion. Either way, keep careful records.

What Are the Car Insurance Requirements in Nebraska?

Like most states, Nebraska has mandatory car insurance laws which make it illegal to drive without a minimum amount of coverage. Every state sets its own rules for what qualifies as “minimum” insurance, including the type of coverage you need and the policy limits. In Nebraska, the minimum insurance requirements are below. However, please note that this information may change from time to time. Check with your insurance company to make sure you are fully covered per state law.

  • $25,000 bodily injury liability per person. This means that each person, other than the policy holder, can receive up to $25,000 in compensation for injuries.
  • $50,000 bodily injury liability per accident. Regardless of the injury coverage limits per person, the insurer will only pay $50,000 total for all injuries related to a single accident.
  • $25,000 property damage liability coverage. This applies to the damage to vehicles other than the policy holder’s car.
  • Personal injury protection (PIP). If you have PIP coverage, then you can file a claim with your insurer for your own injuries and property damage, even if you were at-fault for the accident. Although Nebraska does not require PIP protection, it is often a good idea to purchase this kind of policy anyway. Without it, you may be responsible for paying your expenses out of pocket if you cause a crash.
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. If you have this coverage and the at-fault driver in a car accident has no insurance, despite state laws, then you can file a UM/UIM claim with your own provider. Additionally, if your expenses exceed the limits of the at-fault driver’s insurance policy, then this policy can help make up the difference. In Nebraska, you can opt out of UM/UIM coverage; however, this kind of policy can save you from having to pay out of pocket for injuries from a car accident caused by an uninsured driver.

How Will Nebraska’s Modified Comparative Negligence Laws Affect My Claim?

Like many states, Nebraska has modified comparative negligence laws which can affect your ability to file a car accident and the amount of money you can recover. According to this system, each person involved in a car crash is assigned a percentage of fault. Typically, the insurance company will investigate when you file an initial claim and calculate the degree of fault. If you disagree with this determination or cannot reach a settlement with the insurer, then your case may go to court. If so, then the judge and/or jury will rule on the degree of fault for each party.

The percentage you are at fault for an accident will, first of all, determine whether your car accident claim can proceed. In Nebraska, you may file a rightful claim as long as your degree of fault is less than the other party. For a two-party accident, this essentially means that you can file a claim if you are 49 percent at-fault, or less. However, if your responsibility for the wreck is 50 percent or more, then the law bars you from filing a claim. This means that if you and the other person each bear exactly half of the fault for an accident, then neither of you can file.

If you can proceed with your claim, then your percentage of fault will also impact the total amount of compensation you can recover. Modified comparative fault laws reduce your recovery by your fault percentage. This means that if you are 25 percent at-fault for an accident, then your settlement or verdict will be reduced by that much. For example, if you claim $10,000 in damages for a car crash in which you were 25 percent at fault, then you can receive a maximum of $7,500.

Need Help with a Car Accident Claim? Ask the Lawyers!

If you have questions or concerns about insurance or negligence laws, then do not hesitate to ask the lawyers™. Otherwise, to find an attorney in your area, consult our local listings.

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