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How Do Attorney Blogs Help Increase Visibility?

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How Do Attorney Blogs Help Increase Visibility?

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Ask A Lawyer

Many attorneys are beginning to catch onto the blogging trend, and this is great news. Blogging isn’t just a way for middle schoolers to vent about their feelings online anymore; writing and keeping up with a blog regarding common legal topics is a great way for attorneys to instill trust in potential clientele regarding their expertise, without having to sit down for an in-person discussion. An informational legal blog also offers a sort of free service to potential clients, answering some of the most common legal questions upfront as they decide whether or not to request a consultation. A blog could be attributed to a single attorney, or could belong to a law firm as a whole.

Any unique offering can set you apart from the competition, including a blog.

Even if it’s as simple as adding a “blog” tab to your law firm’s website and posting a short article once a week, doing so sets your practice apart from every other practice in your field that does not utilize a blog. People seeking legal help are inundated with choices, and especially now that everything is being conducted primarily online, often struggle to figure out what sets one lawyer apart from another. Potential clients will likely be much more comfortable speaking with an attorney they have not met in-person if they have already been able to observe that attorney’s expertise in some way, such as a blog.

A blog is a great way to establish your practice’s unique expertise.

The average person is unlikely to instinctively know what field of law their problem falls into. Providing a blog that discusses common types of lawsuits or frequently asked questions in your field is a good way to direct the specific clientele you are seeking to your firm, and to direct others away.

For example, if you practice family law, blogs on topics such as divorce, marriage, the purpose of prenuptials, child support, and child support modification are all examples that are broad enough to confirm that someone seeking a family law attorney is in the right place, and specific enough to engage their curiosity.

You do not need to be an SEO wizard to start a blog.

There is a misconception that unless you have experience crafting SEO heavy web content, you should forego the blog entirely. First, it’s important to note that a lot of SEO language comes naturally, especially in law, a job that tends to use industry-specific language.

Secondly, something is better than nothing; having a blog available to whatever potential clients find their way to your website is extremely important. Unlike some industries which do not generate questions by nature, people seeking legal representation usually have far more questions than answers and are more likely to invest time in reading a blog if they believe the information might be useful. So even if your blog is not the main driving force of traffic to your firm’s website, it can offer valuable content and engagement for the people who find themselves there.

However, if you do want to increase your web traffic by utilizing SEO in your blogs, reach out to a marketing expert or consider hiring a freelance marketing writer. There are plenty of marketing experts and freelance marketing copywriters with a strong grasp of SEO practices willing to help a law firm start their blog and keep it going.

Be consistent.

If you or your firm decide to begin a blog, it is important to be consistent. Do not commit to a posting schedule that you cannot feasibly keep up with, and make a concentrated effort to keep with whatever schedule you decide on. Try to upload new articles on a regular basis, in addition to when something significant happens in your area of law.

Whether this is twice a week, once a week, or every two weeks, focus on continuing to generate helpful content that potential clients are likely to seek. For topic ideas, consider the most common questions your firm receives, unique state laws, summaries of successful cases you’ve handled, or concepts that clients may have traditionally had a difficult time understanding.

To learn more about increasing visibility or for help developing content, reach out to a legal marketing expert or AskTheLawyers™.

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