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Attorney Tips: Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy For Mobile Use

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Attorney Tips: Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy For Mobile Use

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In a world where almost anything can be accessed from a smartphone, it is particularly important that each element of a law firm or attorney marketing plan is optimized for a mobile device. Mobile optimization refers to the process of adjusting your website and even engaging with social media in such a way that potential clients visiting your site from a mobile device or smartphone can engage with content just as easily as they would on a desktop computer. An easy way to check if a marketing effort is mobile optimized is to visit your website or social media page from your own mobile device.

Signs that your marketing strategy may not be mobile-friendly include:

  • Part of your website’s page is cut off in mobile view
  • Videos and pictures extend past the edges of the screen, both on the law firm website and social media
  • Web forms and buttons do not function properly or are hard to interact with on mobile
  • Text shows up in a strange or hard-to-follow format
  • The website or social media page do not function or appear as intended
  • Pop-ups cover most or an important part of the page

Social media is inherently optimized for mobile, but it’s important to share mobile-friendly content.

While popular social media platforms are typically optimized for mobile use in the big picture ways, it’s important to keep in mind mobile users when deciding what type of content to share. For example, even if a social media platform allows for longer posts, shorter posts tend to look more streamlined and are easier for users to comprehend. It’s also important to keep in mind the mobile optimization of any content your social media page or post links to; if a post links to an article on your own or another website, how does that article appear on mobile? Is it easy to follow, or do the paragraphs show up in strange places with pictures cut off and pop-ups in the way?

Websites should be up-to-date and user-friendly.

Unfortunately, attorney and law firm websites are commonly guilty of being both out-of-date and not optimized for mobile use. If it’s been a while since someone worked to actively maintain or update the law firm’s website, it’s a good idea to dedicate some time to evaluating the theme, content, and even attorney bio photos to make sure everything is up-to-date and competitive with other law firm websites. User-friendliness is also one of the most important parts of any website and should apply to both desktop and mobile views. If someone who has never visited the site before cannot quickly figure out where to go find their answers either on their computer or on their phone, the website probably needs work.

To learn more about mobile optimization for attorneys and law firms, reach out to a legal marketing expert.

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